Washington, PA – The Washington Area Humane Society (WAHS) is excited to announce our win at the Observer Reporter Best of the Best 2024 awards.
We received the first-place award in the Animal Advocacy Category. The Washington Area Humane Society serves over 5,000 animals in the Washington County area through intakes, vaccination clinics, spay/neuter services, low-cost vet care, pet food bank and humane investigations. We take pride in the fact that our mission focuses on the homeless, abused and neglected animals of Washington County, Pennsylvania.
The WAHS won Best Non-Profit in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. In 2022 the Observer Reporter Created a category for Animal Advocacy and separated animal non-profits from the general non-profit category. In 2024 the WAHS won this category for the first time. Winners from the event can be found at https://o-rbest.com/.
We are happy to say we have been recognized as Best of the Best five times!
Kelly Proudfit
Executive Director
Washington Area Humane Society