118 Years of Care
For over 118 years, the Washington Area Humane Society has been committed to Washington County’s most vulnerable animals. Together, because of pet lovers like you, we have had the opportunity to care for thousands of abandoned and abused animals, placing them in safe and loving homes. By making a gift to the WAHS through your will, trust, or other legacy plan, you can help us continue to provide shelter, safety, and care to even more animals in the years to come.

Your attorney or financial advisor can help you determine the best way to include homeless dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens in your will or trust. It is so important to us that your intent is followed. The Washington Area Humane Society does not give legal or tax advice. When considering a planned gift, the services of an attorney or other professional advisor should be obtained.

Your gift of $5,000 or more will be recognized on our “Friends of WAHS” Donor Wall, unless you prefer to remain anonymous.
- Your gift will be used in the way that you intend.
- The WAHS is recognized as a Platinum Candid Member and we pride ourselves on our financial transparency. (Visit Candid.com to learn more)
- If you join the Angel Paws Program know your pets will be well cared for.

- Knowing you are making a vast impact on the lives of animals in need for years to come.
- Security in knowing your pets will be cared for after your passing. (Click here to learn more about our Angel Paws Program)
- Making the WAHS a beneficiary in your will is as simple as calling your estate attorney
- All gifts are welcome no matter the size.
Important Info
Legal Name: Washington Area Humane Society
Tax ID Number: 25-0995781
Incorporated in: Eighty Four, PA
Mailing Address: WAHS, PO BOX 66,
Eighty Four, PA 15330
Giving Contact
Please reach out to Kelly Proudfit, Executive Director, for more personalized information on planned giving.
Funding Options
The WAHS Sustainability Fund: This is a general operating fund that enables us to use the bequests for a variety of purposes. This unrestricted fund enables the WAHS to grow and sustain for years to come.
Animal Relief Fund: Money allocated to this fund will be reserved for medical care, food, and other direct expenses tied to the care and well-being of the animals that the WAHS intakes annually.
Capital Fund: This money is allocated for specific improvements to existing facilities and the building of future capital projects